If home is where the heart is, then we’ve been at home in all of these 13 states we’ve crossed on our quest to reach the Queen Mary 2 by next Tuesday morning (August 28). Having crossed the deserts and mountains of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, we reached the safe shelter of home with Karen’s sister Robin to celebrate her birthday on August 13th.
In recent years, Karen has found that she is strongly affected by altitude, even if just driving over 10,000 ft. passes, as we did on the way into mile-high Boulder – But the beauty of the Rockies and the pleasure of being with family outweighed the small discomforts of adjusting to altitude.
Time was too short in Boulder, but with many more miles to go, we headed out across the high plains to Ken’s sister Cathy & husband Barry’s home in Topeka, KS where we were treated with wonderful BBQ and relaxation. The next morning we headed out through Missouri & Iowa. *Note to self as we stopped for a break midway across Iowa: August 15th, 2203 miles completed with about 1,000 more to go. It’s the sound of the cicadas in the woods that defines this place in our passage. No photo could capture the feeling so well.
Traveling north we enjoyed a one-night stop just north of Chicago with Ken’s sister Debbie, husband Mike, & nephew Justin (Dave’s son) who all whipped up some great enchiladas for us. So much catching up to do and so little time!
Early the next morning we headed out to Lansing, MI, crossing Indiana briefly. A long weekend in Lansing and Bay City, MI two hours north, brought us together with four generations of the Smokoska family.
As we packed up to leave Lansing on Aug. 20th a good omen appeared in the form a brilliant red cardinal, who sat for a moment on our side rear-view window, resting with us, then bidding us god-speed for the final leg of the trip across the U.S.
Crossing Ohio into PA, we spent a fun evening with Ski and Lenora Embrowski in Butler – old family friends from military service days in Madrid, Spain. They’ve been married 61 years and their love continues to burn bright. They gave us a very warm home away from home, indeed.
With only three states and one week to go before sailing day, we are enjoying much needed rest days in Pennsylvania. SweetPea is traveling well. She’s a model for staying flexible & adaptable in old age. I’m taking notes.