A little bird told me . . .

“Mon petit doigt me l’a dit . . . ” is the french expression to say “A little bird told me . . .”

In this case it was a little bird, to be sure.  As I settled myself to write these few words, the sun was setting over Aix en Provence.  I gazed inward toward the past few weeks and savored the warmth of the apartment heated against the winter chill. But a little bird, not the noisy pigeons, nor the magpies, but a little insistent voice kept calling from the trees outside the window. Each time I stopped to look outside a new wonder appeared. The setting sun pierced the storm clouds that had hovered all day above the city and created new paintings of light and shadow across the rooftops and landscape each moment I looked.  And finally, after putting away the camera and settling in once again to write, the bird cried out even louder “Come look!”  And there was a rainbow rising up the flank of Mont St. Victoire, piercing the deepening night sky, turning all the paysage to purple.  It’s at times like these I wish I were a photographer with a good camera.


Every time I get discouraged that the winter is too cold and the days too dark, some lovely experience pulls me out of the wintry gloom. Even the snow (yes, snow in Aix) lifted my spirits.

Our garden in the snow
Our garden in the snow

snow at dawn

If you click on these photos, as well as any others, they’ll enlarge, to show you the snow drops gently falling into our garden.  It was a lovely way to start the day as I set off for another week of french classes as IS.

It has been COLD – “un froid de canard” – as they say – and the smallest amount of snow stops schools and traffic. But I’ve been a loyal student, attending french classes every morning for three hours.  And Ken has been a hearty golfer, going out to the course in rain and cold to practice. And SweetPea?  She reluctantly puts on her jacket to go for walks on the cold pavements.

Yes, I have to go!
Yes, I have to go!

But we are each finding our own winter rhythm, and I take heart that the days are growing longer and soon my dearest friends, Colleen and Renée, will be visiting., Colleen in March and Renée in April.  By then Spring will be on the way and we’ll have days of happy wandering.

All eyes are now on Ken as he enters his first competition, in Portugal, to join the men’s senior professional european golf tour.  We had a little send-off party to wish him safe travels and a fun few weeks of golf. Neighbors from our apartment building, as well as Monique and Dominique and Simone, joined us for apéros.

Send-off party for Ken
Send-off party for Ken

Michelle Emily Sophie

All ages, from Allessia at 7 yrs to Simone at 91 yrs., gathered to let Ken know we’re his cheer-leaders from afar.  His cheer-leaders up close are John and Darlene Smokoska, Ken’s brother and his wife who have flown all the way from Spokane, Washington to be with Ken in Portugal.  They arrived this morning and will stay until the end of the tournament.  What a brother!!!  John will caddy for Ken on the course.  They’ve played together since teen years, so John knows Ken’s game well, and is a wonderful calming influence.

Ooops the final photo is of Ken is sideways and I don’t know how to fix it. He took on the first tee of the course where he begins the tournament on Thursday, Jan. 24. But you can see him just fine, I know.

Ken in Portugal
Ken in Portugal

Beam up your good wishes – or send him emails at   kensmokoska@gmail.com. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Happy winter! Your friendship keeps us warm.

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