
ThroughLines is a journal I began in the summer of 2020. It includes essays, photos, and poems about the experience of living in this time of change. 

If I had to choose
October 30, 2023

If I had to choose I would choose the blue tractor sitting in silhouette on the hill, waiting for my neighbor to decode the sudden weight of wind and heat and the murmuration of birds to determine the day for…

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Seeds of Friendship
September 17, 2023

During the 18 months since I last wrote in this space it has been quiet in my garden, as well as in my writing. Another drought deepened. Few monarchs visited, hence few eggs were laid and even fewer caterpillars and…

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Wave of Delight
February 1, 2022

Heading Home On the launch of the James Webb telescope on December 25, 2021. They sent a telescope today to look for you. It will peer out from the dark side of the moon, from unrelenting cold, to find your…

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Grant and Zarafa
November 6, 2021

If Zarafa would sing, if she would share her secret songs for me to hear, I believe today she would sing a medley of familiar American songbook tunes in praise of Grant, our friend who coaxed her into being, gave…

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August 2, 2021

I've been thinking a lot about memory lately: not surprising since I've been reading Ta-Nehisi Coates' 2019 novel The Water Dancer which is all about memory and the power of story "to build a bridge from the curse of slavery…

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Witness Protection
April 27, 2021

Headline News this week: "Teenage Girl Bears Witness." Darnella Frazier, at age 17, watched and recorded the protracted suffering of a man, George Floyd, as his life was slowly, purposefully extinguished by another man, a policeman. As he was dying…

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March 11, 2021

Usually, about now in the process of preparing and publishing a new post, I'm like a hound dog on the trail. I've gotten the scent of my topic and leap toward it, follow detours, reroute, and hurry back on track…

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A Congress of Crows
February 9, 2021

I've been trying to the love the crows. These sunny winter days they swarm and swoop across the newly planted fields next door, finding seed, exulting loudly in their good fortune. By the hundreds they lift and fall. But it…

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January 10, 2021

At the end of October 2020, a season and year many of us wanted to be over and done with, I wrote a Post here titled "Mendacity and Music." It was an effort on my part to find some way…

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Improvise and Thrive
December 13, 2020

A few nights ago I was reminded of the deep sense of calm and joy that can come from improvising. Just for a moment I sat down at my piano. I thought I was bored; I thought I was sad;…

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