The French Connection

Adventures from a year living in France

Missing Pictures

Hello again.  For whatever reason, several of the photos that were supposed to be in the last entry didn’t make it to the screen. So here they are:

Etang de Vaccares with Renée
Etang de Vaccares with Renée
Renée at "Love Letters"
Renée at “Love Letters”

Thanks for your patience!


More about …

I pushed a button I didn’t mean to and off went the post “Feeling Our Oats” – So now I’m continuing where I left off, I hope.

The Camargue is an amazing wetland/delta area that Ken and I had visited in the dead of winter – again with Gudrun as our guide.  This time we could enjoy warm temperatures and the spring activity.  We drove for a full day all over the small roads and byways of the Camargue, hearing stories and history as we went.

Étang de Vaccares
Étang de Vaccares

We stopped by the vast lake/étang de Vaccares and had a thoroughly french picnic of bread & cheese & wine and olives & paté that Gudrun had prepared for us in the morning.

Karen & Gudrun
Karen & Gudrun
roseau - Camargue
roseau – Camargue



The vast lagoons of the Camargue are host to many species of water birds, and the white horses of the Camargue run along side us in the fields.

In spring local people harvest the tall reeds (roseau) that grow along the lagoons and canals, dry them, and then sell them to be used for making roof tops and other kinds of thatched barriers.  Gudrun was able to explain  many customs of the Camargue that have existed over time without change.

Gudrun also shared with us her friendships – most notably with Françoise and her husband who have a “ranch” on which they raise the taureau (bulls) for running in the Course Camarguaise, and train the white horses that are emblematic of the Camargue.  Françoise is an Arlesianne beauty, generous and proud of the patrimoine (heritage) of the Carmargue.

Not all of our time was spent in the countryside. We enjoyed getting to know the little town of Aigues-Mortes (Still Waters) where Gudrun has her B&B Farniente. The town is completely enclosed by ramparts that have protected it from invasion since the 13th century. We walked the ramparts and visited the small artisanal shops where we found some beautiful clothing. Renée and Hélène, a woman from London with roots in Provence, who was also staying at Gudrun’s, came away with some terrific items.

Renée & Ken at Gudrun's
Renée & Ken at Gudrun’s


Here Renée is showing off her new coat and scarf, and marveling that Ken is, indeed, very tall!

While Renée and I were soaking up french language and history, Ken was exploring Andorra, a small country in the Pyrenees nestled between France and Spain. He loved the high mountains, still capped with snow, and found an isolated resort where he was the only guest to spend two nights. Because Andorra is so small, he could traverse the country in a day. And it was only, by car, three hours southwest of Aigues-Mortes.

Closer to home, we’ve been enjoying hikes by the Mediterranean in the fjord-like area called the Calanques. Recently we visited an area called Sormiou where we scrambled up rocky slopes to gain beautiful views of the green and deep blue waters of the Sea.

Ken in the Calanques
Ken in the Calanques




City time in Aix continues to be interesting and full of surprises. We have loved the concerts at the Grand Theatre de Provence showcasing artists from around the world. And this summer promises to provide us with all the music you could want, from opera to Bach festivals, to a major Piano Festival nearby. It will be hard to choose from all the opportunities.

And right in our own building we continue to enjoy plays and musical evenings produced by Isabelle, the daughter of Monique and Dominique, our landlords. When Renée first arrived we were able to enjoy together an excellent production of “Love Letters,” a play by A.R. Gurney, an american playwright. It was in french, of course, but we both managed pretty well to understand, assisted by the great articulation and acting of Isabelle and her male partner in this two-person play.


Renée at "Love Letters"
Renée at “Love Letters”

It’s the best of all worlds to be able to taste of all these different experiences, and to enjoy it all with the people we love. We continue to find new friends, new restaurants, new golf courses, new expressions in french, and we cherish all who are keeping a place for us in your hearts for our return.

Karen & Ken

Keep your notes and news coming:


Feeling our Oats

There are lots of things that can contribute to feeling full of energy and joy. The two I think of most immediately are 1) the warmth of Spring and 2) the pleasure of being surrounded by love and humor.  My “niece” Renée arrived for a three-week visit on April 4, and soon after the weather, the flowers, the trees and the spirit of the city blossomed into full Spring. I no longer have to bundle up in sweaters and coats.  We can open the windows wide to hear the noises of the city: bells, sirens, music from the dance studios, arguments and laughter from apartments and sidewalks. We’re all here – open and overflowing – smiling and swatting flies.

In the Camargue, where Renée and I spent two days with Gudrun Bauer, language coach and Camarguaise extraordinaire, we found the flamant rose (pink flamingoes) and the emblematic white horses frisking about in the fields and waterways.

white horse at play
white horse at play
grey and white
grey and white
the shy birds
the shy birds


Once is not enough

Before I get started, just a reminder to you, the faithful reader, that if you don’t see the pictures I’ve posted on your “update,”  go to the main site ( to see all the photos in a better format. Also, all photos can be enlarged by clicking on them twice. Enjoy!

One of the great pleasures of living in France for a year is the opportunity to visit and explore favorite places more than once.  It seems that I never tire of the Lubéron with its small ancient villages perched on hilltops, its protected forests, pastures and vinyards, and of course its famous ochre cliffs on which the town of Roussillon is built.  I lived in Roussillon for a month over a decade ago, and still marvel at the beauty of the place.

Roussillon ochre
Roussillon ochre

On a chilly day, Colleen, Ken and I found warmth on the paths that wind through the ochre cliffs that dust you with pigment as you stroll.

ochre cliffs
ochre cliffs

I couldn’t resist buying some stunning ochre pigments which I hope to make into watercolor and acrylic paints for upcoming paintings.


cemetery in Roussillon

Roussillon,the town
Roussillon,the town

I was totally delighted to find that Colleen shares my interest in french cemeteries (which Ken decidedly does not) so we had a good stroll through Roussillon’s town cemetery that holds a magnificent view of the valley below.

Finally, under the heaters on the enclosed terrasse of a local restaurant, we enjoyed omelettes among families taking a pause on their Saturday drive in the country.



This little street in Lacoste, another “village  perché” in the Lubéron, is typical of the pathways that lead to the chateau or church at the top of the hill. In this case, the chateau was formerly owned by the Marquis de Sade, but is now owned by Pierre Cardin & company. Hmmmmm.

chateau Lacoste
chateau Lacoste
so warm
so warm

Wherever you are, it’s nice to find a friend to enjoy the sun with. And a little snack.

Lourmarin cafe
Lourmarin cafe
just a little snack
just a little snack

To work off all that good food and sight-seeing that Ken, Colleen and I accomplished in the wonderful days of Colleen’s visit with us (which included a long enchanted weekend visit to Paris!) we had to do a bit of walking. One day we walked half-way up Mt Sainte-Victoire, east of Aix;  another day we found a beautiful old vinyard that is part of the Chateau Virant estate winery, west of Aix; and we hiked along the Calanques south of Aix.  Another glorious day in the Chagall museum in Nice began with a little dance with the sculptures at the International Museum of Naïf Art, also in Nice.

Chateau Virant
Chateau Virant
hiking Sainte-Victoire
hiking Sainte-Victoire
Naïf dancing in Nice
Naïf dancing in Nice

It’s still hard to keep the right balance between wonderful meals and lots of exercise.

We’re still waiting for Spring to begin in earnest. Europe is still under the spell of the wicked witch of the north who is blowing her icy breath from west to east, north to south, including us all in her spell. We’re lucky if we have daytime temps in the low 60s(F). It’s a bit painful to read that temps in SLO are in the 80s these days and there the green grass is fairly leaping out of the earth along with flowers and lizards! Am I homesick? Well, just a little, until we too can jump into the warm embrace of Spring here in southern France.  But you can see that Ken is ready for any season – outfitting himself as a proper frenchman to take on any task.

a suave frenchman
a suave frenchman

We send you greetings and love from Aix-en-Provence, and will be happy to welcome you if you find yourself in our neighborhood!  Send us YOUR news and pictures, too.  Karen & Ken